Strategy Development

Strategy Workshop & Future Lab

A compact workshop for defining strategic goals and focus measures with a destination's key opinion formers and representatives. Kohl & Partner is a specialist organiser of future workshops for tourism. In our one and two-day workshops, groups of up to 150 participants work on future visions, tourism strategies and projects.

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Tourism Master Plan / Hotel Master Plan / Infrastructure Master Plan / Roadmap

Kohl & Partner tourism master plans for towns, cities, regions and countries develop tourism strategies and concrete projects for the future. A master plan provides a professional overview of planned steps, projects and milestones and should be the foundation for regional planners and decision-makers such as communities, regional authorities, investors and operators.

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Tourism Concept

A tourism concept contains strategic aims for a town, city, region or country. What we aim for is a tailor-made tourism concept which stakeholders help develop, support and implement. We offer project group coaching to ensure a smooth transition to the implementation phase.

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Stakeholder Management Concept

After key stakeholders are analysed and defined, measures are developed which are aimed at involving them in destination development.

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