Employee Management

Employee Cost Optimisation

We can identify rationalisation potentials in business employee costs and produce a list of measures to exploit such potentials on the basis of a detailed analysis of the entire employee area according to the proven Kohl & Partner system.
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Implementing a Human Resources System

We work with you to develop a comprehensive Human Resources management system for your hotel and implement it in the form of HR workshops with executives and senior management, to increase employee commitment in the business and make it easier to find good new employees.
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Leadership Study Circle for Hotels

This study circle is structured in such a way that business owners and leaders can develop their own leadership language, individually suited to their own business or organisation.
The content is structured in such a way that executives can pass it on within their teams, ensuring comprehensive employee development. (Those who teach, learn!)
The aim is to increase the resistance and empathy of the leadership team, in concrete terms, to approach daily business challenges more effectively, find solutions, see conflict as opportunity, deepen understanding between colleagues and teams/divisions and reduce their own levels of stress.
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Anonymous Employee Survey for Businesses or Partnership Groups

Anonymous employee survey for a company or partnership group to determine job satisfaction with regard to working hours, environment, social benefits, climate, leadership and pay and to derive improvement measures from this as part of human resources management.
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Development and Implementation of a Bonus System

The joint development, concrete proposal and installation of a bonus system with the aim of using the bonus system to sharpen department managers' focus on profit margins, department results, overall results and quality performance. The introduction of a bonus system aims to bind department heads more closely to the company. For all other employees, bonuses should serve as an incentive to make more additional sales, increase cost awareness and improve the quality of their work.
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Human Resources Coaching

Individual coaching (accompanying professional support) during the implementation of a human resources system in your hotel.
Coaching runs for over a year (shorter or longer terms can also be agreed), with a previously agreed number of coaching workshops at your premises and permanent coaching support by telephone and email.
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