(Employer) Branding & Marketing

Best Employer Destination©

How can we bring more staff to destinations, retain employees and ensure employee satisfaction at the destination over the long term? The employer branding of a destination is primarily about making a destination attractive - not only for guests, but also for employees. So it's about making destinations attractive places to live and work - and this is where the DMOs (Destination Management Organisations) are called upon. Kohl & Partner inspires, analyses, leads workshops and guides you through the five steps to becoming a Best Employer Destination©.

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"Employer Branding" Impulse Workshop

We explain the destination employer branding process in a half-day workshop. The workshop introduces a large number of implemented examples as a source of inspiration. In addition, we define specific fields of action and sub-projects for your destination for each phase of the employer branding strategy.

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Brand Development and Leadership

Kohl & Partner accompanies you on a clearly structured path, based on an open and integrative process, towards becoming a brand. It includes your positioning, the definition of brand core values, the one-word value, target group definition, brand strategy and an action program. The workshop also makes recommendations on brand management.

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Marketing Concept & Plan

Professional marketing at affordable prices is something everyone wants right now. Kohl & Partner also offers a marketing check for tourist destinations and regions, helps develop strategic and operational marketing concepts, marketing plans and marketing & sales coaching.

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Marketing Budget Optimisation

You will receive an independent optimisation check of a tourism organisation's marketing budget based on marketing controlling benchmarks which will show you how to use your marketing budget effectively.

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Internal Marketing Concept

We help develop internal marketing recommendations for your destination on the basis of five marketing principles. The defined measures are intended to optimally integrate your partners in the destination and encourage them to support the DMO and the destination.

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Register here for the new K>P newsletter "Mondays for Tourism" and receive tips and tricks, news and proven specialist know-how for your path to success every 3 weeks.

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