Restructuring & Re-Organisation

We support your business if it gets into financial difficulties. Depending on the scope of the task - from short-term liquidity bottlenecks to averting impending bankruptcies - we accompany a project group to secure the portfolio and put the business on a firm financial footing.

Operational Restructuring

Based on market experience, comparing benchmarks and reference values with the results show optimisation potential that can be achieved through concrete measures in operational restructuring. A brief analysis reveals effective levers and concrete implementation recommendations that promise sustainable success.
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Concept Reboot and Future Concept

Nowadays, it is no longer sufficient to restructure old facilities in operational terms alone - just saving costs will not have the desired effect, as the facility is no longer attractive or fit for the market. For old facilities, the entire concept has to be revamped and facilities must be made fit for the future.
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Financial Restructuring

Financial restructuring is sometimes required, particularly for infrastructure facilities, where it is clear from the outset that the investment cannot be financed from operations. This usually goes hand in hand with other forms of restructuring (operational and conceptual restructuring).
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Structural Re-Organisation of the Business

Due to special conditions (expansion, strategic partnerships, etc.), the organisational and ownership structure of an operator can occasionally develop in a direction that subsequently causes difficulties (e.g. in decision-making, etc.). Targeted organisational restructuring is also necessary when integrating new companies.
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