Controlling & Benchmarking

DestinationCompass & DMO-Benchmarking

"Learn from the best tourism destinations (DMOs) on the basis of a specific and anonymous comparison of data and figures. Being familiar with your own figures and comparing them with similar DMOs is an important factor in making your organisation more professional. A key aim of DMO benchmarking is to reduce fixed costs in order to free up funds for product and marketing projects. Kohl & Partner DMO Benchmarking now features proven implementation measures. These implementation recommendations for (fixed) cost items above the benchmarks lead directly to savings that can be used for new product and marketing projects. The specific DMO benchmarking and implementation measures provide you with valuable information for professionalising your DMO."

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Optimising Efficiency in DMOs

A detailed analysis with benchmark comparison for the tourism organisation highlights rationalisation potentials in work processes and the budget and allows for the preparation of a list of measures to exploit this potential and increase efficiency.

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Professional Budgeting in DMOs

Using well-founded benchmarks, our destination professionals provide you with recommendations for the targeted use of your budget. You will also receive the Kohl & Partner Budget Tool for DMOs.

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