Presentations & Talks

From keynote speeches at events to special topic inputs for annual general meetings – Kohl & Partner has a wide range of topics which we compile individually for you.


From keynote speeches at events to special topic inputs for annual general meetings – Kohl & Partner has a wide range of topics which we compile individually for you.

An excerpt from our lecture topics in the field of tourist destinations:
- Market Development and Trends in Pools, Thermal Baths and Wellness
- Positioning of infrastructures
- Staging of Excursion Destinations and Theme Worlds
- The Price Reveals The Truth
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Management of Events

Large events, opening events, etc. must be managed perfectly to ensure enjoyable events that run on-schedule. Kohl & Partner supports you comprehensively in this task.
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Presentations to Different Groups and Meetings

Whether it is presenting to large groups, leading a group with different interests towards a goal or holding an advisory board meeting, Kohl & Partner has experience in countless workshops and events and can support you in a goal-oriented manner.
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Kohl > Partner Newsletter

Register here for the new K>P newsletter "Mondays for Tourism" and receive tips and tricks, news and proven specialist know-how for your path to success every 3 weeks.

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