Habitat Development

LifeQualiMeter LQM

The LifeQualiMeter (LQM) can measure the local quality of life in detail. Using anonymised survey results, the LQM performs an evaluation based on 12 main factors and 43 sub-factors to map the perceived quality of local life. Standardising the survey enables comparisons across communities and regions. The LQM thus provides a sound decision-making basis for selecting and prioritising measures or projects within a region or municipality.

You can find more information at https://lqm.team/ .

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Habitat Concept

Creation of a holistic concept for the future development of a community or region in a broad participation process which takes various interests into account. The concept covers a range of topics (e.g. economy, trade, culture, tourism, leisure activities, next generation, traffic and mobility, housing, sustainability, employees,...). The concept development phase helps you define guidelines, goals and projects and then develop an implementation plan.

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Habitat Workshop

Inspire engagement with the issue of habitat in your community or region through an interactive event where a range of people can get personally involved. Jointly develop aims and ideas for a range of action areas involving the public or representatives from selected groups. The LQM results can serve as a basis of discussion here (max. 150 participants).

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