Servicing Landlords, Guests & Quality Improvement

Landlord Coaching

"Landlord coaching will be a core task of a Destination Management Organisation under the 2030 agenda. As an active networker, the DMO or tourism organisation sees itself as a "support centre" for member companies, intensifies cooperation with its providers and works hand in hand on the qualitative development of companies and the region. Kohl & Partner supports tourism organisations in providing impetus where it is needed, developing professional landlord coaching and clarifying in discussions which landlord support topics, instruments, services and resources are most profitable for your tourism organisation.

The elements of landlord coaching are:

  • Talk "Landlord Coaching - Once Optional, Now Essential"
  • Seminar "Understand Hosts and Be Understood"
  • Strategy Guide "Landlord Coaching"
  • "Coaching Guide" - A manual for coaching landlords
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Quality Initiatives

In order to increase the quality experience for guests and quality awareness for tourism service providers, Kohl & Partner develops a quality program tailored to the location, region or country. The support provided by Kohl & Partner includes measures and recommendations from raising awareness to the development of quality standards and quality control.

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Mystery Quality Checks

Detailed mystery quality checks (including request tests) for individual businesses or partnership groups by accredited consultants including a detailed on-site discussion of the results.

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The Tourist Information Centre of the Future

We develop a concept and ideas for your tourist information centre: from organisation and strategy to design. We bring numerous examples of good practice to the process. Optionally, we can also carry out detailed location analyses, profitability calculations and staging concepts.

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Professionalising Your Info Counter & Guest Service

Together with your team, we develop quality improvements and innovations for your info counter and your guest service for every point of the customer journey.

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