Strategy, Concept and Positioning

Strategy Consulting

We recommend that you organise a family strategy retreat with all persons involved in managing your company to outline the hotel's future strategic alignment and development as a tourist destination. The basis for this is a short company check in addition to the in-depth preliminary discussions and company visits. The outcomes of the strategy retreat (strategic guidelines) are then summarised in a report.

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Positioning Advice

We recommend Kohl & Partner's strategic product development workshop in order to offer target group-oriented products based on your hotel's strategic alignment. A clearly formulated strategy (vision) and definition of target groups form the basis for strategic product development. Strategic product development creates target group-oriented products and packages for all seasons and target groups. A sales measures plan is developed alongside the products.

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Strategic Coaching

Individual coaching to clarify your questions in connection with the strategic further development of your business and accompanying expert support (sparring partner) in the implementation of your strategy concept in the company.
Coaching runs for over a year (shorter or longer terms can also be agreed), with a previously agreed number of coaching workshops at your premises and permanent coaching support by telephone and email.

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