Hotel Property & Feasibility

Asset and Performance Management

Support of owners of hotel property in improving the profit and value situation over the long term. Detailed check of the operator's performance and identification of optimisation potential in the revenue and cost structure with optional implementation support.
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Income Optimisation

Detailed check and identification of optimisation potential in the revenue and cost structure with optional implementation support.
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Feasibility Study

A feasibility study for a planned hotel project contains a detailed profitability calculation alongside location and market analyses and development of the concept (or optimisation of the desired operating concept). Kohl & Partner feasibility studies are recognised by all banks, funding agencies and hotel investors.
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Business Valuation

Company or hotel valuation through calculation of the capitalised earnings value on the basis of the discounted cash flow method (DCF method).
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Pre-Feasibility Study

A pre-feasibility study assesses the fundamental feasibility of the planned investment project (new build, conversion, extension, purchase, lease etc.) from a strategic and business perspective.
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Second Opinion on Feasibility Study

Second opinion on a feasibility study submitted by you from a tourism perspective based on our experience and comparative values from Kohl & Partner's tourism advisory service.
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Turnaround Management & Recovery

Coherent restructuring process (strategic and operational) during difficult business situations to avert imminent insolvency of the hotel business. Kohl & Partner works closely with hotel management and the financing partner in this process. The aim of this consultation is to develop specific strategic and operational measures on the basis of a detailed analysis and to identify the commercial potential. These optimisation and restructuring measures are intended to create the basis for sustainable, profitable hotel operation.
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Operator Search

Search for hotel property operators for urban and holiday hotels. Kohl & Partner supports the owner of the property in its targeted approach of suitable hotel operators, contract negotiations and the conclusion of the contract.
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