Staff Leadership

HR Course: "Becoming a Top Employer - Employer Branding As a Success Factor"

The acute labour shortage in tourism, especially in the hotel industry, is getting worse every year. And yet, some businesses appear to be completely unaffected by it. What sets these businesses apart from the rest? How do these employees win the best talent of the current generation? In most cases, the answer to these questions is the same: Employer Branding.

Creating an employer brand that encourages people in the job market to see your business as an attractive place to work has never been more important. In this new human resources course, discover a range of methods and ways to not only make your hotel business more attractive to current and future employees, but also develop it from a guest brand to an authentic employer brand.

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Lead My Department in the Right Way

Competent leadership is the prerequisite for your employees' success, your success and that of your business. As a manager, one of your daily tasks is to balance the expectations of the company, those of your own superiors and the motives, needs and wishes of your employees. You have to communicate change in a convincing way and manage with confidence, meet expectations and targets and manage and protect your employees.

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Find and Bind Employees

Battle For the Best Minds – Employees are the most important factor in the success of a business. However, in the hotel industry, it is getting harder to make suitable, qualified employees commit to your business over the long term. How can I make my business attractive to employees, and keep it that way? How do I hold professional conversations with employees to persuade them to stay in my business?

The one-day employee marketing implementation seminar.

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Motivation Training for Managers

Take on a Leadership Role - from Director to Coach!

Competent leadership is the prerequisite for your employees' success, your success and that of your business. The word "motivation" comes from the Latin "movere" and means "to move", to move something, to set it in motion. So motivation is about the direction you are "moving" in, about how effective and long-lasting our performance is. But what influences motivation itself?

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Creating an Attractive Employee Strategy for My Hotel

The current staffing woes in tourism – lack of specialist staff, lack of junior staff, demographic changes in the labour market, the preconceptions and needs of young people on the job market – are causing headaches for some hoteliers, especially in the seasonal holiday hotel industry.
In order to counteract this in the medium and long term, Kohl & Partner recommends developing your own employee strategy! In this workshop, Kohl & Partner will work with you on your employee strategy. This strategy focuses on the following questions:

What does a successful employee strategy (from brand to recruiting to possible exit) that will make my hotel business more attractive to my employees look like? How can I recruit new employees and make my existing employees commit more to my business? What online and offline employee marketing activities suit my business best and how high should my budget be?

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The Lucky Way to Success – How to Be Luckier and More Successful

The ideas of "luck" and "being lucky" have been a hot topic for many years. Many authors and books have focused on this subject. The research area "luck" is gaining in popularity. The reason for this is as follows: when managers are lucky, then employees and guests feel lucky, too. And this feeling of luck flows into the satisfaction of the team, rubs off on the feel-good factor in the company and the desire to constantly work on products and improve them. Also, you and your staff will want to treat your guests well. These factors lead to increased demand and thus to increased sales. It sounds like a good idea, and it is! But how can you put it into practice?

At Kohl & Partner, we have spent a lot of time thinking about this - doing research, reading books, meeting luck researchers, attending conferences, implementing and testing ideas in Kohl & Partner - and we have put all of our findings into am exciting workshop programme. This half-day programme enables you to take the first steps on your path to more (business) luck and success in tourism - both with others and individually.

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Leadership Course: "How to Become a Really Good Boss"

The task of leadership is becoming ever more difficult, not least due to the challenging labour market situation and changing social values. Everyday business in particular sees conscious leadership come up short and leadership skills are often lacking. Use this course as an opportunity to further develop yourself as a leader: boost your own leadership skills, master leadership tools, encourage effective communication, recognise employee strengths and use them correctly. Get some fresh inspiration and discover how you can get the best out of yourself and others in your leadership role.

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Register here for the new K>P newsletter "Mondays for Tourism" and receive tips and tricks, news and proven specialist know-how for your path to success every 3 weeks.

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