MA Jana Große Hokamp

Jana Große Hokamp, MA


Stuttgart, Germany 7171 9477011Visitenkartedownload
New to the team since 10/2021

In three words

  • arrowboldempathetic
  • arrowboldreliable
  • arrowboldsolution-oriented


  • Openness and a positive attitude are a constant companion in all projects. The noticeable joy in the work has a positive effect on the atmosphere and the results. Practical, creative and satisfactory solutions in a participatory process are always the goal.


  • (touristic) local and regional development
  • Moderation & Participation Processes
  • Motorcycle tourism

Michael Palin

"Once the travel bug hits you, there's no known cure, and I'll gladly be sick with it for the rest of my life."


  • Grown up all over the world and still a child of the Baltic Sea
  • Bachelor in Geography with focus on Leisure, Tourism and Environment at the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, D
  • volunteer for the Young Travel Industry Club - the leading community of young minds in the travel industry
  • Internship in tourism consulting
  • English-language Master's degree in Tourism Development Strategies at the Stralsund University of Applied Sciences, D
  • since mid-October 2021 at Kohl & Partner
quoteColleagues say
The profound expert knowledge combined with this fascinating verve inspired me from the very beginning.
quotesColleagues say
Motivated, committed and constructive. The perfect blend of professionalism and empathy - and always a smile on your face.
MA Jana Große Hokamp

Jana Große Hokamp, MA



arrowbold(Touristic) local and regional development
arrowboldModeration & Participation Processes
arrowbold(certified) mediator and conflict support

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  • arrowboldValuable information
  • arrowboldThe latest seminar dates
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