Mag. Erich Liegl
Managing Partner
Villach, Austria
erich.liegl@kohl-partner.at+43 4242 21 123+43 664 51 05 826Zum BeraterSEMINAR "Employee Productivity – "Cut Unproductive Time, Not Headcount!"
Target group: Entrepreneurs and hotel industry managers
Date: 16/11/2021
Time: 9:00 - 17:00
Location: Mountain Resort Feuerberg
Organiser: Kohl & Partner
Registration deadline: 02/11/2021
Participation fee: € 475 including snacks, lunch and seminar documents plus 20% VAT
Many companies in Austria's hotel industry have been battling rising or comparatively high staff costs, even if you take the general labour shortage into account. In Kohl & Partner's experience, one of the main causes often lies in the inefficient use of employees: low productivity with long idle times and/or expensive specialists who spend long hours on secondary tasks work.
Based on the motto "cut unproductive times, not headcount", this seminar will show you how you can increase productivity in your business and reduce employee costs at the same time.
Key content at a glance:
- How can you calculate the productivity of individual departments?
- Effects of productivity on the operating result.
- Which productivity indicators have proven themselves?
- The Productivity Barometer - an extremely helpful tool for practitioners.
- Where are the unproductive times at the individual workplaces?
- Where are the biggest productivity pitfalls?
- How do you determine and set optimal productivity goals for each department?
- Implementing productivity control in everyday life and optimisation measures in the duty roster.
- How can I get the productivity all rolling and how can I keep it going?
- Event highlight: You will receive the Kohl & Partner Productivity Barometer, worth € 348, free of charge.