Leading with Figures

"Develop a Success Strategy for your Hotel Business"

On the verge of developing your business? Want to give your business a new strategic direction? Do you have investments planned? Find out more about the latest trends and developments in new hotel and apartment concepts and be inspired by a range of best practice examples from the Alpine region. Put your ideas under the magnifying glass and work with the Kohl & Partner strategy team to find the right orientation for your business. This seminar is about the future of your business.

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Innovative Pricing Strategies for Your Hotel

Kohl & Partner has engaged with the issue of pricing in the hotel industry for decades. That's how we know that constantly changing conditions require intensive examination of your pricing policy. In addition to exhausting existing price potential, the main focus nowadays is on keeping prices in line with the booking behaviour of your own target group. You therefore need your own tailor-made pricing strategy! There are numerous options in pricing: from classic and optimised to flexible pricing!

With numerous examples from practice and lots of food for thought, this seminar will show you how to create a pricing strategy that is perfect for your business.

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Revenue Management - The Flexible Pricing System for Your Hotel Business

Revenue Management in the Holiday Hotel Industry? Every hotelier has heard of it, but only a few have actually looked at this dynamic pricing strategy in detail or implemented it in their own business. However, developments in recent years show that guests are becoming more and more flexible. The current market situation is also increasing this flexibility. Due to the change in guest demand, hoteliers should question "rigid" price strategies and become more flexible. In addition, the switch to a flexible price system can be the key to attracting guests in the future and improving the turnover and earnings side of the hotel business, especially during peak season.

In this seminar, which includes numerous practical examples, you will see the possibilities and specific ways of setting up and optimising the "revenue management" pricing strategy for your hotel business.

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Your Success Can Be Planned - Budgeting in Your Hotel

Workshop to create a monthly operating budget for family-run hotels and restaurants. It is becoming more and more important to present business goals in the form of budgets. A budget motivates people to achieve targets and you can use a budget to create a monthly target/actual comparison and thus identify potential for increasing revenue or reducing costs on both the sales side and the cost side. This seminar will make it much easier for you to prepare budgets for your business in the future.

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Goods Usage and Employee Optimisation in Food and Beverages

Calculations, efficient offer structure and employee optimisation for more profit in F&B. The demands on chefs, service managers and F&B managers are high. These demands go far beyond technical know-how. Learn to efficiently control the most important levers for increasing profits in F&B.

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Goods Usage and Employee Optimisation in the Kitchen

Calculations, efficient offer structure and employee optimisation for more profit in the kitchen.
The demands on chefs today go far beyond "culinary talent". Learn to efficiently control the two most important levers for increasing profits in the kitchen.

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Control . Direct . Reduce costs

Dealing with your business results and learning to manage and direct your own business with numbers - especially in the age of Basel II - is becoming more and more important. Even simple tools are often all it takes to optimise the operating result.
In this practical seminar, you will learn everything you need to improve your operating results in family-run hotels and restaurants and learn simple tips and tricks to get your costs under control.

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Ways to Increase Revenue and Lower Costs in Gastronomy

20 ways to more success in gastronomy
Goods are becoming more expensive, energy costs are rising and employees are costing more and more! This is having a particularly heavy impact on gastronomy and the industry has to react. This one-day practical seminar provides concrete tips for marketing, economical offer structuring, calculation and much more to help your catering more profitable.

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Employee Productivity – "Cut Unproductive Time, Not Headcount!"

Many companies in Austria's hotel industry have been battling rising or comparatively high staff costs, even if you take the general labour shortage into account. In Kohl & Partner's experience, one of the main causes often lies in the inefficient use of employees: low productivity with long idle times and/or expensive specialists who spend long hours on secondary tasks work.
Based on the motto "cut unproductive times, not headcount", this seminar will show you how you can increase productivity in your business and reduce employee costs at the same time.

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